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Provide First Aid

TLILIC003 Licence to Operate Forklift Truck: Team Members

The HLTAID011 Provide First Aid course is designed to provide the leaner with skills in identifying and managing the risk of injury and illness in the workplace and provide the initial first aid response to the casualty until medical assistance is available.

It is suitable for all people in workplaces and members of the public who want training in providing that initial response first aid.

Courses Content Includes

  •  Respond to an emergency situation.

  •  Apply appropriate first aid procedures. 

  • Communicate details of the incident. 

  • Review the incident.

Recommended Recertification Period:

It is recommended by the Australian Resuscitation Council that first aid skills are renewed every three years and resuscitation skills are renewed every 12 months.

Full Course Outline:

A full course outline for HLTAID011 is available on here.


6-8 hours (full course)
3-4 hours (refresher course)


Attendance at the course requires the following:

  • Casual clothing (no singlets) including enclosed footwear

  • Drivers licence or other form of photo ID

Unique Student Identifier (USI): All Students completing a Nationally Recognised Course with receipt of a Statement of Attainment requires a USI which can be accessed from the USI website

​Pre Requisites:


Course delivery:

This course is delivered face to face with individual assessment and group activities in a simulated workplace environment, at our Redland Bay facility or at an agreed safe location at your workplace.

Completion requirements:

Assessment is through a combination of a class knowledge assessment and practical first aid scenarios. You will be required to demonstrate CPR on a manikin on the floor.

On successful completion of the course, you will be issued with a Statement of Attainment:

HLTAID011 Provide First Aid including HLTAID010 and HLTAID009

Contact us to discuss cost and to enroll

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